More about Somatics & Yoga Therapy
Somatics is a therapeutic system of movement that addresses patterns of contraction, stress, and tension that have become normalized within the nervous system. These patterns develop in response to both acute and chronic stressors, repetitive use, and/or prolonger periods in a particular position.
Using slow and subtle movement, we directly re-educate the pattern by reorganizing the way your nervous system controls and senses muscles and movement. This work is informed by the teachings of Thomas Hanna and The International Soma Yoga Institute.
Yoga Therapy
Yoga Therapy is a professional application of the principles and practices of yoga to promote health and well-being within a therapeutic relationship that includes personalized assessment, goal setting, lifestyle management, and yoga practices for individuals and small groups. Yoga Therapy aims to eliminate, reduce, and/or manage symptoms that cause suffering.
Ellen works collaboratively with her clients to develop and implement a self-empowering therapeutic plan. Ellen’s approach to yoga therapy blends a contemporary nervous system understanding with a traditional yogic perspective. Clients will receive personalized take-home information to help support them in their practices.
Techniques Used
Yoga therapy has a broad scope and can support people dealing with a wide range of concerns, such as postural issues, chronic pain, overuse injuries, movement dysfunction, and imbalances a result of injury or surgery.
Beyond physical concerns, yoga therapy can help support emotional expression and balance as well as healthy regulation in the nervous system in order to address stress, anxiety, depression, sleep concerns and other symptoms of dysregulation.
In a class or one-on-one yoga session the teacher directs a pre-planned sequence. In contrast to that model, Yoga Therapy begins with a detailed intake which includes assessment of a number of variables like posture, movement, state of mind, etc.
Additionally, the clients goals and needs are important considerations for the direction of the work. Yoga Therapists work collaboratively with the client to develop and implement a self-empowering therapeutic plan. Clients will receive an individualized home program that will evolve with their development. Sessions also include education around technique and methodology with the goal of moving towards independence and self-direction.
Physical patterns of contraction, stress, and tension become normalized over time through repetition, trauma, and/or prolonged periods in a position. While these patterns may have served an initial purpose, the normalization process becomes problematic when we can no longer access or release the muscles.
Simply speaking, we forget how to functionally utilize these muscles, which is called sensory motor amnesia (SMA). While that term might sound intimidating, the good news is we can re-educate systems to move with ease and freedom in our bodies.
Our Team
Yoga Therapy & Somatics, TRE, Zen Integration Bodywork
Introduced to yoga as teenager, I began a casual love affair with asana. It was in my early 20’s that I dedicated myself more seriously to my practice.