Whispers and Tremors: Unveiling the Language of the Body through TRE® – by Ashley Hartman Annis
For just a moment, if it feels safe, see if you can remember a time when you were under a lot of acute stress. Maybe right after a car accident, or right before giving a big presentation at work – do you remember what it felt like to be in your body at that moment? During physically or emotionally stressful moments, many of us (if we pay attention) may notice some trembling or shaking in our bodies. Or, if you can’t think of a time when you’ve experienced that tremor-y feeling in your own body, maybe you can remember a time when you saw another animal shake – like your dog running under the kitchen table during thunderstorms or fireworks, for instance. All mammals (including humans!) have innate, built-in tools for releasing trauma and stress and ways to bring our bodies back to a state of calm. TRE® (which stands for Trauma and Tension Releasing Exercises) is a practice that helps us to re-learn how to shake as a way to move from a highly activated state (like fight or flight) back into a space that feels grounded.