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Whispers and Tremors: Unveiling the Language of the Body through TRE®   – by Ashley Hartman Annis

For just a moment, if it feels safe, see if you can remember a time when you were under a lot of acute stress. Maybe right after a car accident, or right before giving a big presentation at work – do you remember what it felt like to be in your body at that moment? During physically or emotionally stressful moments, many of us (if we pay attention) may notice some trembling or shaking in our bodies. Or, if you can’t think of a time when you’ve experienced that tremor-y feeling in your own body, maybe you can remember a time when you saw another animal shake – like your dog running under the kitchen table during thunderstorms or fireworks, for instance. All mammals (including humans!) have innate, built-in tools for releasing trauma and stress and ways to bring our bodies back to a state of calm. TRE® (which stands for Trauma and Tension Releasing Exercises) is a practice that helps us to re-learn how to shake as a way to move from a highly activated state (like fight or flight) back into a space that feels grounded.


What is Somatic Experiencing® and how did it develop?

Dive into the world of Somatic Experiencing®, an innovative approach designed to alleviate the effects of trauma, shock and stress embedded within our physical being. Somatic Experiencing (SE) offers an elegant solution to breaking free from the chains of fight, flight, or freeze patterns that impede our well-being, paving the way to recovery, release, and enhanced resilience.


What is IFS Coaching and How Can it Help?

IFS coaching is an evidence-based model of psychotherapy developed by Dr. Richard Schwartz which has been gaining popularity in recent years for its unique approach to helping people create meaningful change in their lives. Let’s explore what this type of coaching is and how it can be helpful. 


Trauma as Transformation: Harnessing the Power of Post-traumatic Growth

During times of stress and crisis, it’s natural to wonder if any good can come out of tragedy. And with the pandemic wreaking global havoc, the war in Ukraine and the economic crisis, it might seem like the answer is a resounding “nothing.” However, in the midst of this turmoil, psychologists have been studying a fascinating phenomenon: posttraumatic growth. Despite the devastating effects of trauma, there is evidence that individuals and even entire communities can experience positive transformation in the aftermath and it is important to remember that amidst the darkness, there is the potential for growth and renewal.


The Power of Co-Regulation

Co-Regulation is a tool for calming and connecting the nervous system during times of distress. It helps to create an environment of safety and understanding through limbic resonance, which is the sharing of emotions between two or more people. This shared experience of connection can help people regulate their nervous systems and reduce stress and anxiety. 


The Invisible Wounds: Understanding the Long-Term Effects of Pre- and Perinatal Trauma

Pre- and perinatal trauma refer to any experience of trauma that occurs during the period from conception to birth. These experiences can include physical or emotional abuse, neglect, substance abuse, maternal stress, maternal illness, maternal malnutrition, or other adverse experiences that occur during pregnancy or childbirth. The impact of peri- and prenatal trauma on a person’s life can be significant and long-lasting, affecting their physical, emotional, and psychological wellbeing throughout their life. In this blog post, we will explore pre- and perinatal trauma, birth psychology, and the impact of early trauma on a person’s life.


The Healing Power of IFS – Mallory Burggraaf

For many, the battle of conflicting inner selves is a familiar struggle. The challenge of feeling like certain aspects of oneself dominate or constantly engage in a tug-of-war can be frustrating and disheartening. Richard Schwartz’s Internal Family Systems Model offers a refreshing approach to healing through self-awareness. This non-pathologizing technique fosters compassion, trust, honesty, and encouragement; creating a safe space for clients to discover the unique parts of themselves. By recognizing their strengths and weaknesses, clients can better understand the role these play in their behaviors and emotions, leading to lasting transformation.


The Ghosts of Our Ancestors: How Intergenerational Trauma Shapes Our Genes

Intergenerational trauma refers to the phenomenon where the experiences of past generations can influence the behavior, emotions, and well-being of future generations. Recent research has revealed that trauma can trigger epigenetic modifications, which can be inherited and change gene expression. This can increase the risk of mental health issues and autoimmune diseases in offspring.In this blog, we will delve into the concept of intergenerational trauma and its effects on gene expression. Specifically, we will explore how epigenetic markers can be retained and transmitted across generations, even during the reprogramming process. We will also examine the connection between post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and epigenetics. Additionally, we will discuss Dr. Rachel Yehuda’s groundbreaking study on the impact of severe parental trauma on DNA methylation in Holocaust survivors and their descendants.

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